About James E. George, MD, JD

I am living a full life, enjoying my art and painting and spending time with family and friends. I hope you enjoy my paintings as well. I draw special pleasure from positive comments made by patients, their families, and others who enjoy my art.

In 2016, I suffered a brain and spinal cord injury after a fall in my home, resulting in a coma and quadriplegia. I ended up spending six months at Magee Rehabilitation Hospital in Philadelphia, where I discovered great joy in art therapy and painting – ultimately contributing several pieces of my artwork now on display throughout the hospital.

Thank you for visiting my website. Enjoy your tour!

James E. George, MD, JD


“Art therapy is a refuge from the hard physical and emotional work of rehab.
Art heals the mind, body and spirit.”
James E. George, MD, JD

Get In touch

The Process

Watch Doctor George as he gives a quick overview of his process of creating his art. 

Media Gallery